Tighten Sagging Skin
Published byFeb 2017
Facelifts are one of the most common cosmetic treatments requested at Annapolis Plastic Surgery. Dr. Bryan Ambro offers a range of facelift techniques to help reverse the signs of aging. As we age, the lower face often loses the ability to produce collagen and the neck and lower face may begin to sag. Many people are unhappy with loose neck or double chin. A facelift can help to tighten cheeks, chin and the jawline. Dr. Ambro can perform your facelift surgery from the comfort of our private surgery center at the Anne Arundel Medical Center. Dr. Ambro will work with you to plan a comprehensive treatment plan and will see you through your entire treatment. Working one-on-one with Dr. Ambro allows for quality and consistent results. A Facelift is performed through discreet incisions to minimize scarring. The skin is gently raised and the underlying muscle and lax soft tissue is tightened and repositioned to achieve a natural youthful result.
Choosing the right doctor
Choosing the right plastic surgeon will determine the quality of your results. It is important to find a doctor who is highly qualified and offers compassionate care. Dr. Ambro is a leading facial plastic surgeon and has years of experience. Double board certified in Otolaryngology and Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Dr. Ambro offers patients a highly trained aesthetic eye for facial reconstruction. To schedule a consultation with Dr. Ambro contact our Annapolis office or schedule a consultation online.