Tummy Tuck

In an ideal world, diet and exercise would be all you need to get rid of sagging skin around your midsection. Unfortunately, this is not the case. Many people feel frustrated with their abdominal region’s appearance, especially after following a diet and exercise routine. However, thanks to advances in plastic surgery, it is easy to fix this.

A tummy tuck, also known as abdominoplasty, removes excess fat and skin and restores weakened muscles to create a smoother, firmer abdominal profile.

Annapolis Plastic Surgery is one of the most comprehensive plastic surgery facilities in Maryland. Our team is uniquely qualified to perform a full range of body contouring procedures. Dr. James Chappell has 20 years of experience and is board certified in plastic surgery. He can provide exceptional results that reduce the appearance of loose and sagging skin and improve muscle definition. For tummy tuck patients, we are able to offer the added benefits of abdominal sculpting and body contouring thanks to our advanced liposuction technology.

Reasons To Have A Tummy Tuck

A tummy tuck will improve your body image and self-confidence drastically.

Some improvements may include:

  • A more well-defined midsection
  • Feeling more comfortable in anything you wear, including bathing suits.
  • No longer worry about a wrinkled midriff.
  • Flaunt a more youthful appearance
  • Reform C-section or stretch marks

What To Expect – Skin-Only Tummy Tuck

Dr. Chappell can perform a procedure called a skin-only tummy tuck. Its designed for people – usually younger women in their 30s and 40s – who have toned abdominal muscles, but loose skin commonly caused by:


Some women’s belly skin stretches so much it never goes back to where it was before pregnancy. After the delivery, they tone their muscles back into shape, but the skin doesn’t follow.

Extreme Weight Loss

Bariatric surgery – or just pure willpower – results in a blessed loss of midriff inches. But inelastic skin (either genetic or age-related) leaves redundant skin behind. A skin-only tummy tuck is the answer for post-pregnancy stomachs that are looking to regain their appearance. It will restore the flat tummy you used to have and let you keep all the great clothes you wear to show it off.

The skin-only tummy tuck is less invasive than a full tummy tuck. The incision is smaller and leaves the ab muscles left intact. It removes both extra skin and accumulated fat but does not generally tighten the deep muscle layer. As a result, skin-only patients recover more quickly than full tummy tuck patients.

As a part of this procedure, the tissues over the underlying muscles can be tightened, but this part is optional. For patients anticipating another pregnancy, this part is omitted. You get a little less of a result but eliminate any concern about the muscles being too tight for future pregnancies.

It is important to know that a tummy tuck procedure should not be sought out as an alternative to weight loss. A tummy tuck is a contouring method for those who have tried working out the abdominal region but have not achieved desired results. Continuous exercise and eating healthy after your procedure will help secure lasting, beautiful results.

Schedule a Consultation

If you are interested in a tummy tuck, Annapolis Plastic Surgery provides expert care. Schedule an appointment with Dr. James Chappell to see if you are a good candidate for a tummy tuck and to learn more about tummy tuck surgery.

Before & After Photos


For a long time, I have avoided asking my mirror... “mirror, mirror who is prettier than I?”. I was afraid of the answer. I absolutely had no self-confidence that my mirror was going to be able to identify any beauty on me. By age 46 I had the privilege to become a mother. Motherhood was a such blessing for my soul and a huge sacrifice for my body. My high risk pregnancy and a C-session... Read more
*Disclaimer: results may vary
Regina A.